SCU’s Best NFL Jersey Tournament Round 2: Giants vs. Seahawks
Welcome to Steel City Underground’s latest March Madness creation: The “Best” NFL Jersey Tournament!
For a recap of how we set this up, plus results thus far, please refer to our main SCU March Madness page.
Second Round
The Giants overcame the Patriots in the first round while the Seahawks beat their division rival the Cardinals to move on.
In this matchup, we have tradition versus possibly the most contemporary of today’s NFL uniforms. Here’s how they stack up.
(31) New York Giants
I was saying: red, white, and blue is about as simple as it gets… until you get to the New York “Football” Giants, who also use a variation of the three colors, but mostly adhere to their “Big Blue” moniker.
(15) Seattle Seahawks
The Seahawks had a recent makeover when local uniform supplier Nike took over the NFL license. Nike kept some of the previous themes while adding green trim seen with other Seattle sports teams (Supersonics, Sounders) to tie in an overall theme.
Carbon fiber style stripes adorn the helmet as well.
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Previous Tournament Entries
All polls remain open during the first round of the tournament, so be sure to vote for the team uniforms you’d like to see emerge victorious.