SCU’s 2018 NFL Pick’em: Week 16

Each week a panel of SCU contributors will pick their winners and losers. Let’s see who does the best by the end of the season!

The season is winding down and the men are being separated from the boys! (And the ladies are also mixed in there somewhere too!)

So, to speak, it doesn’t look like myself or Brian Roach, last year’s winners of the overall season predictions pool, will be contending for a title. (Though Brian had a great week last week, rebounding while many stumbled.)

Tina overtook Mike, as the two continue to go neck-and-neck with Tommy Jaggi closing in, and the others bringing up the rear, as last week’s games left us all stymied with a smattering of different options.

This week’s picks appear to have some risk involved as well, though many of the games appear to be more clear-cut than usual. Here are SCU’s Week 16 predictions.

Week 16 Picks

SCU’s 2018 NFL Pick’em: Week 16 Picks

Last Week’s Picks

SCU’s 2018 NFL Pick’em: Week 15 Winners

Overall Weekly Record

Name Record
Brian 11-5
Noah 11-5
Tina 10-6
Chase 9-7
Joe 8-8
Mike P. 8-8
Tommy 8-8
Zac 8-8
Zach 8-8
Terry 7-9
Ryan 6-10
Eric 5-11

Overall Season Records

Joe Brian Eric Ryan Mike P. Terry Tommy Tina Noah Zac Zach Chase
WK 1 6-9 7-8 8-7 10-5 9-6 7-8 8-7 8-7 10-5 9-6 8-7 8-7
WK 2 8-7 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 5-10 8-7 8-7 6-9 9-6 7-8 8-7
WK 3 8-8 8-8 8-8 8-8 10-6 5-11 10-6 9-7 8-8 7-9 7-9 7-9
WK 4 9-6 7-8 9-6 10-5 12-3 9-6 11-4 12-3 8-7 9-6 11-4 0-15
WK 5 10-5 11-4 10-5 11-4 9-6 9-6 7-8 10-5 10-5 11-4 9-6 9-6
WK 6 10-5 7-8 10-5 9-6 11-4 10-5 11-4 10-5 10-5 11-4 11-4 10-5
WK 7 9-5 8-6 11-3 10-4 10-4 12-2 10-4 11-3 12-2 11-3 10-4 11-3
WK 8 12-2 11-3 11-3 12-2 12-2 12-2 12-2 14-0 11-3 9-5 12-2 11-3
WK 9 11-2 10-3 9-4 8-5 11-2 8-5 8-5 9-4 8-5 9-4 9-4 9-4
WK 10 7-7 9-5 8-6 9-5 8-6 10-4 9-5 8-6 9-5 9-5 7-7 9-5
WK 11 6-7 6-7 8-5 7-6 7-6 6-7 9-4 6-7 5-8 7-6 5-8 8-5
WK 12 11-4 13-2 11-4 11-4 10-5 11-4 9-6 13-2 11-4 10-5 12-3 12-3
WK 13 7-9 7-9 10-6 8-8 10-6 10-6 10-6 7-9 9-7 9-7 8-8 9-7
WK 14 9-7 9-7 11-5 7-9 8-8 11-5 9-7 8-8 8-8 5-11 10-6 9-7
WK 15 8-8 11-5 5-11 6-10 8-8 7-9 8-8 10-6 11-5 8-8 8-8 9-7
TOTAL 131-91 131-91 136-86 133-89 142-80 132-90 139-83 143-79 136-86 133-89 134-88 129-93

Current Season Standings

Place Name Record
1 Tina 143-79
2 Mike P. 142-80
3 Tommy 139-83
4 Eric 136-86
4 Noah 136-86
5 Zach 134-88
6 Ryan 133-89
6 Zac 133-89
7 Terry 132-90
8 Brian 131-91
8 Joe 131-91
9 Chase 129-93

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